
Smoking Out Loud

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Smoking Out Loud

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The Reasons Many were forced to cease for medical reasons. This is not shocking given that smoking-related diseases claim the lives of nearly 400,000 Americans each year. Heart issues, malignancies, strokes, peripheral vascular disorders, pulmonary emphysema, bronchitis, ulcers, and other conditions are some of the more prevalent illnesses that are directly linked to smoking. Additionally, smoking may make it more difficult to address preexisting diseases. The use of cigarettes increases the risk of anesthesia and post-operative effects. A different primary cause for stopping is social pressure. Non-smokers and many of the more than 50 million ex-smokers in our country now see smoking as unpleasant, sickening, and repulsive. While smoking was formerly seen as a sign of sophistication, today's smokers are despised by many of their peers. Some smokers now believe that others view them as weak in self-control and stupid for not being able to quit. Some people want to give up smoking so they can be a good role model for their children.

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